You and I know in this world
We're given such a short stay
Carelessly in deeds and word
We do endlessly somehow pay

The beauty of having a chance
Is through tears learn the strength
The reason for being a free lance
Is through hate feel love's length

Do not be an empty shadow turning
Whirling like a tornado but soon forgotten
Not a supposedly astronaut lost spacing
Reaching blurry stars, left floating

But let your soul, like a wind spin
Sometimes subtle but with essence strong
And at the end of the visit in this inn
You would have touched a soul with song.

                                                           Live, Laugh, Love


  1. You make Me want to listen to You recite this poems' with sure chance this will touch a thousand souls.

  2. I'm in love wt ur write up . Nice 1


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Live, Love, Laugh
Kemi Kayode.

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